Saturday, February 10, 2007

Non-Ionizing Radiation and Global Warming

Introduction to Non-Ionizing Radiation Pollution

Welcome. I have come to believe that the commercial and governmental use of radar/microwaves is a major contributor to man-made global warming. I refer to it as Non-Ionizing Radiation Pollution. In addition, it is a likely contributor to many of today's major public health issues.

Radar is transmitted at the same frequency range as the microwave oven. Many wireless technology applications are (low power) users of this frequency range as well. I believe that this information is known by the U.S. Government, but they feel that they can't shut down the radar or develop alternatives to it. I hope to bring attention to it.

While there are various studies on radar's impact on human health, what few studies there have been on overall environmental impact have been limited in their scope.

About Me

My background includes the study of engineering, physics, health physics, and chemistry. I do not currently work as a scientist, however I do work in a field that my professional experience made me begin to question the use of non-ionizing radiation.

Home Application: Microwave Oven

As you'll notice when you examine your microwave, typical household microwaves produce approximately 1000 Watts of power. If you take a look at yours, there should be a plate on the back that states the serial number and has other information. Output power should be listed there.

You'll also notice that your microwave oven is (mostly!) able to trap the microwaves, but take a look at what it takes to trap the energy.

Commercial/Governmental Application: Doppler Weather Radar

Look at the government's array of weather radar spread across the country, and consider that each Next Generation radar (Nexrad) site emits up to 1 Megawatt of microwaves at a slightly higher frequency (2700 to 3000 MHz, vs oven 2450 MHz).

Think about if your microwave oven did not have protection on it to contain the microwaves, emitted more power, and ran 24 hours a day for a year! Granted, the power density is reduced (meaning, the concentration of power) as the radar spreads out, but the energy needs to go somewhere, it does not just disappear (there is no entropy!). NexRad is not the only radar source, there are many others.

Air Traffic Control Radar

Below you'll see the map of the major airports, also major microwave emitters. Note that these are just the major airports, not considering the smaller airports that have radar systems!

Communication Systems, Cellular Networks

If you pay close attention, you'll notice that many types of communication networks transmit over microwave frequencies. Take note of how if you talk on your cellphone for too long, the radiation exposure makes your ear feel warm. Now think about the transmission towers that send powerful microwaves to make millions of these and other communication devices work. How many times have you seen towers like this one? Ever think about what they could be doing to the environment?

Satellite and Aircraft Radar

As if ground-based radar wasn't bad enough, there are hundreds, if not thousands of satellites that transmit radar into our atmosphere.

Now think about aircraft radar. How many aircraft have onboard radar. I'm not saying that the cost (pollution) outweighs the benefit (collision avoidance), but it's a major contributor. Below is a depiction of typical air traffic.

Radiation Pollution Health Effects

Given all these sources of Non-Ionizing Microwave Radiation, I must repeat that it does not just disappear or dissipate. By laws of physics it can't! So where does it go? It must be transferred, and can "sink" into carbon-life-forms (like humans) as radiation (like microwaved food). Or, the energy may be transferred to moisture in the air (i.e. water) as a heating mechanism.

It's pretty obvious that something in the environment is causing massive public health issues, like notable increases in our society of cancers, birth defects and developmental disabilities in children, and changes in human behavior (electromagnetic hypersensitivity syndrome). Given that some of these are associated with the relatively low-doses from cellular telephones, imagine the effects of mega-doses from large emitters!

Skeptics and Deniers

Sadly, because as we find with any theories that are not convenient for big business, defense contractors, and our government, the moment any legitimate theory is presented, legions of paid "skeptics" and "deniers" are unleashed to try to destroy the person's credibility and theory. No one will fund research into it, because their wealthy donors and mega-corporations will shut it down.

What You Can Do:

Obviously, it would be incredibly difficult to shut down radar as we know it. But we can try to minimize it with each new development in technology, research it, and hopefully eliminate its use within our lifetime. Here's how:

  • Write to your Congressperson and ask for an investigation of Non-Ionizing Radiation Pollution.

  • Write to your local newspaper about the un-researched risks of non-ionizing Radiation Pollution.

  • Post online about the risks of non-ionizing Radiation Pollution.


Anonymous said...

Its too late. We're doomed. The earth has for billions of years functioned with a set amount of electromagnetic energy in its system. We have now increased that amount with the introduction of RADAR, and other radiation emitting devices. What is the effect of all this excess energy on the natural flow of magnetic energy from the earths poles? The relationship between the energy in living cells and that from the natural environment is now way out of balance. Last summer I witnessed an electrical storm of such force, that it dwarfed anything I hade seen before. I could not even compare this to any Hollywood movie special effects, it was just that big. We have only begun to see the effects of climate change, each day somewhere a new weather event sets a new record either by intensity of rainfall, windspeed, snow, etc. Its not all caused by CO2. There are many other factors, and I believe that the raise of non-ironizing radiation is another major contributer.


Anonymous said...

Great post, I think you're onto something

Anonymous said...

Good post and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you seeking your information.